Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


An Adventure We Would Rather Not Have

Part One:

About 2 1/2 weeks ago, Pam went to an Ob/Gyn about a superficial hardness and occasional pain in her left breast. There were no lumps but it was just not right. The doc agreed and got her in to see a breast specialist the next day. The exam and sonogram and a look at her mammogram from last fall showed no lumps in the breast or lymph nodes but did show a suspicious spot under the nipple. He took a needle biopsy and ordered an MRI. The MRI showed no lump but confirmed the suspicious area. The biopsy showed suspect cells but could not confirm cancer. The breast guy was optimistic that such findings would only dictate surgery and radiation but no more, even if it were to be cancer. Only surgery and on the spot pathology could determine that one way or another.

Part Two: (7-23-09)

To make a long story shorter, Pam has breast cancer and after surgery yesterday, it appears to be more serious than the no-big-deal we had at first thought it would be. It's still very treatable and survivable but will, most unfortunately, require the full course of radiation and chemo. The team is being assembled by the breast specialist and surgeon and the course of action will begin next week. The docs have been beyond excellent so far and we expect that to continue. The mass in the breast was cancer and he performed a pretty small lumpectomy. Unfortunately, he also found a small tumor on the sentinel lymph node. It will require more detailed pathology to see if it has spread to the other lymph nodes.

Nevertheless, he is very optimistic about the eventual outcome but does believe that an aggressive approach is called for. We will do what we got to do. I asked if this was one of those, "There's always hope" optimisms and he assured me it was not. We'll know more when the more detailed pathology comes in Friday or Monday.

Part Three: (7-25-09)

We got the 2nd round of pathology results just now. Our surgeon pressed the lab to get it done today--because he knows that uncertainty is the worst fear producer. He called and said that of the ten samples collected from the lymph nodes, only the one that housed the little tumor showed any evidence of cancer. Further, the margins that he allowed when he cut the mass from the breast and from the one lymph node were sufficient to remove all the cancer in the area. No need to go back in for additional surgery. But the diagnosis went from the original expectation that it would be Stage 0 to Stage 2a.

He was very pleased with the results and said it was very good news for the prognosis. Alas, chemo will still be necessary.

Part Four: (7-25-09)

This surgeon is a pretty amazing guy. He knew the result we got wasn't what we hoped for (though he prepared us for it), he talked with me two times after the procedure and with Pam and I once. He called that night, the next morning and then Friday night jsut to tell us that he had not heard anything on the pathology. He leaned on the pathology to try to get us something on Saturday and he got it done. He called to give us the news, said his prinicipal role in all this was over except that he wanted to put a team together to figure out exactly how to treat this and he wanted to be a part of that team, at least initially. Not one surgeon in 100 would have done half that.

Part Five: (7-25-09)

As the surgeon said, technically, the surgery went perfectly and, sure enough, Pam is doing just great. She's feeling fine, quite chipper and is ready to get going on the therapy. We are confident of a lasting cure.

Getting Ready for Round Two of Chemo

I have done the first chemo (Taxotere and Cytoxin) and next week I get the second. I will be halfway through!

I only felt bad for 2 days. With the chemo came an infusion of anti nausea medicine and some steroids to boost that. I came home feeling great and even worked out at the gym that evening. I learned since that that effect was the steroids. Hey, if that is so, Yay Steroids! Day 2 was fine also. It was only during the second night that I began to feel nauseated and have a headache. Day 3 and 4 was when I felt bad, but I felt no worse than a mild flu really. Additionally, and like most flu, I had no appetite at all. Many people get mouth sores that are miserable and my mouth felt like it was going to erupt with millions of sores, but not even one sprouted. By day 5 I was fine and we even went out briefly to a party.

Each time the chemo will be followed by a shot of Neulasta that makes my bone marrow produce more white cells. It also makes my bones ache, ache, ache.

My hair is all gone. It took about 5 days for it all to let go. It started on day 13 and they had told me to expect it between days 10 and 14 and that it was pretty much guaranteed to happen with the Taxotere. I got two wigs that look better than my real hair ever looked so I may wear them the rest of my life. My long time friend Marci White went with me. We had a blast. She and I both tried on a bunch of wigs very different from our real hair and the wig shop lady took pictures of us as we posed.

My blood checks have been good until Sept. 8th when there was a spike in my liver enzymes. Don't know why that is, but I have to go get another blood test now before the scheduled 2nd round of chemo on Thursday, Sept. 17th. I understand that depending on that blood test the doctor may have to adjust the chemo mix some how. Until then, avoid alcohol and Tylenol completely and also no vitamin supplements. Since I never took vitamin supplements before all this, it could be one of those? Could it really be that one really strong margarita at the mexican food place a few days before the blood test? Or was it the Tylenol PM that I am not sure when I even took it because I rarely take it? Maybe it was the same night?? Maybe not? We don't know what caused the spike but I definitly need a healthy liver to handle the chemo.

So, all in all, I am going to fight the cancer with everything I can. If I only get these side effects, great. If they are worse on the next round, oh well.

I want to make sure I give Clay and Shelley much deserved credit for taking good care of me. They can both be compassionate and they can both be a bit pushy which is a great balance. I am letting them do the worrying so that I can keep my stress levels down. Clay is the clear winner in the worry competition.

And I must say, the wonderful family and friends that Clay and I have are the best in the world. Although they are not all right here like Clay and Shelley, I know I have Scott and Sandy, Ginger, oh, I can't make this list. It would be tooo tooooooo long. To shorten it, I have family and friends that are thinking of me, pulling for me, praying for me and who care. I know it. I can feel it. And I appreciate it.

Thank YOU Clay. Please keep us informed.
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