Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Skiing before Christmas, 2008

Clay and I went to Utah for some great powder skiing the week before Christmas. Jeff went with us and we had a grand time. The snow was perfect, the conditions nice and cold, and the area was all dressed up for Christmas. I am not including any pictures because we were dressed just like we always are and you can't tell one year from another anyway. We skiied two days at Alta and two at Snow Basin. Snow Basin is my favorite because the gondolas are enclosed.

Scott and Sandy were due in a day after we got back to Austin which seemed to be the perfect schedule. However, the weather forcast in Utah was looking ominous and the reporters were saying things like "get out now" if you are flying. I decided to return to Austin a day early because of that and ended up only about 2 hours delayed because of weather, but clearly a day early for Scott and Sandy. Clay and Jeff chose to stay for the scheduled Friday flight which turned in to a nightmare. They waited about 11 hours at the airport for the flight that, oh, by the way, is no longer going all the way to Austin. They made the best of a bad situation and went to a hotel (with no luggage) and somewhere found a bar. Bar + Utah really don't add up to much. Anyway, Scott and Sandy's scheduled Saturday noon flight arrived at 3pm just as Clay's flight arrived from Utah. Funny!

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