Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Friday, August 15, 2008


I Played in a Golf Tournament!!!

I know. It is hard to believe, but the golf pro at the club called and asked if I wanted to play in a Tournament August 3, 4, and 5. After checking my calendar real quick, I said "Sure! Email me the details!" Well, Clay was asking me all about it. Only until just before the tournament did I realize what I signed up for. I was the D player in a five person scramble. It was the annual ProLady tournament at The Hills. 28 teams from all over Texas and Oklahoma were there. During the competition we had to use 4 of the pro's drives, 3 of the A player drives, etc. down to me....I had to do nothing but stay a living breathing team member for the entire tournament.

As it turned out, I was too nervous at the beginning. Ryan, the pro, kept saying, just walk up there and whack it! Well, by the last day of the tournament I was able to do that. And surprisingly, my drive was used a few times, a few of my fairway shots were used and I putted in a few times. On one particularly memorable hole my drive was used and I putted in for a birdie on number 18 at the Hills. I was the first one to putt on every hole, being the D player I was expendable. However, I can putt and put it in several times. I was proud of me. I am definitely not an A player yet, but I was glad I could contribute to our, well, not victory, but upper 1/3! We won about $100 each for a skin on number 11 at the Hills.

So, my golf game continues to develop. I have been asked to co-chair the 9 holer group next year, but I am also contemplating moving up to 18 holers. We will see. The top of one group or the bottom of the other....hmmm.

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