Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Cancun June, 2008

We went to Cancun and had a wonderful week of relaxation. Day one we had a great evening on the beach. We checked out the view from our suite, then walked along the beach until dark. The surf was warm and wonderful on our feet. The sky was beautiful and as the hotels lit up along the beach it was just spectacular.

Day two was spent by the pool, reading our books and taking in the scenery. I can't believe I didn't take a picture of all the pools, but there were many. They started up near the hotel and cascaded down to the infinity edge by the beach. We ordered drinks poolside and acted like vacationers.

Once we had enough of the poolside action we dressed and took a bus to downtown Cancun. Wal Mart was our destination, but as we rode further and further on the public transportation fewer and fewer tourists and more and more locals were on the bus with us. We found ourselves in WAY downtown Cancun. I asked in my best Spanish (and the chinese accent I found in Germany)...donde esta Walmart? Fingers pointed us back the other way. They pointed as if it were way back the other way.

So we got off. Clay immediately noticed we were not in tourist Cancun any longer. I stopped a local woman and asked again...donde esta Walmart? She said something about crossing the street (take your life into your own hands there) and catch the autobus that says "walmart". Yeah, right. Well we crossed and sure enough there was a bus that had walmart as one of its destinations so another $1.00 each and we were headed with the locales to the Walmart. Arriving safely we found all the stuff we came for. Bottled agua, cerveca and assorted chips and candy - just to get us through.

Coming out of Walmart, after we had rounded the city on sweaty buses, we were in disagreement on which bus and where to catch it. We finally just took a taxi. If you know Clay, well, let's just say he did not consider this the "adventure" I did. We mingled with the locals, saw their, umm, scenic back streets, and made it safely back to the hotel.

Day three we took an all day snorkeling excursion. It started by taking a back road, through crocodile infested waters, finally onto a beautiful white beach. We boarded small boats and headed out to the reef - a national park. The coral was live and huge and the fish were colorful and plenty of them. Some very large fish, some very tiny. The waves were pretty big and the current was strong, but we had a guide to follow and so we just kept kicking and kicking and kicking hoping we wouldn't get lost from the group. As you can see there were killer whales. One snatched me right out of the boat before I was even in my suit, but Clay jumped in and saved me (see picture).

We did two 45 minute "dives" and then returned to the beach for a wonderful fresh grilled lunch, cerveza and probably all the tequila one could drink. Well, some seemed to be on the tour for the tequila, so only about half of us went out on the third dive. We were tired when we returned to the hotel. After dinner we spent the evening on our balcony watching the sky turn from pink to orange to darkness. We watched a cruise ship way off on the horizon with its lights blazing.

Day four was a great day to relax once again. There was a great storm which kept us inside the hotel or on our balcony. Actually there was wave after wave of storms so we could get out and walk around between them, then watch the sea for more coming.

Day five. Another day by the pool. More just hanging out. A nice tuna sandwich and bottled water. We had done a good job of eating "right" so we wouldn't get Montezuma's Revenge. Oh, see how well we ate? See the picture of Clay with his smug grin at breakfast. I mean, Jack Spratt who ate his meager little sorry bran flakes for breakfast while Mrs. Spratt ate like a real human being. Then a tuna sandwich by the pool (one quarter of it for me, 3 quarters of it for Clay). HA! Now who is Jack Spratt! We watched a very small wedding from our balcony, then headed for our four course lobster dinner on the beach.

After only an hour or so of walking off the lobster dinner we returned to the room and BAM! We were both hit with REVENGE! It was a long, long, long night jockeying for a turn in the bathroom. We were so sick still by morning we called the hotel doctor to come up. He checked us, gave us each two shots and a prescription the hotel delivered to the room. We were thankful he did not steal our kidneys. Okay, then the flight home. I am getting tired of typing now, so let's make this short. We stood in line to get boarding passes for 1.5 hours. We stood in line to go through security. We sat and waited (still feeling pretty miserable, but plugged up safely). And waited. And waited. The plane was 2 hours late. But we were finally on our way to DFW. DFW had storms so we circled for a long time. Finally, we had to fly to Houston to get more fuel so we could go back to DFW and circle some more. At midnight we checked into some hotel some where in Dallas where they sent us. We hopped up the next morning and finally got back to Austin about 29 hours after we had checked out of our Hilton in Cancun.

We had a wonderful trip. We really, really did. Not a trip we need to take again for a long time. Okay, never. Clay has vowed never to eat again, especially tuna or lobster. Never to go to Mexico again. Never to fly again. Never to ride a bus anywhere. Oh there are more nevers, I just can't remember all of them. . . . . . And I agree.

Until the next time, of course.

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