Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My New Driver

Oh, let me tell you what we did...Clay and I went to the golf product demo at the club Friday and I tried out the new TaylorMade Burner Draw driver. I hit six shots in a row and every one was long and straight and wonderful. I had been using Clay's old driver and starting to hit it pretty far. I won the long drive contest in my women's golf group recently and supposedly this new driver will send me out even farther.

Oddly enough, we played the next day and I had a great game. Unfortunately, the new driver isn't even in yet, so I could only blame my greatness on the purchase to some extent. We played again yesterday and I drove as far as 225 a few times. Yay me! And STILL the driver isn't in yet! I can't wait! Next I am going to try to learn how to spin the ball backwards when it lands on the green. Clay says I probably should focus on my chips and pitches first, and sure, I can see where that would make a difference in my score. But I do so enjoy that whack of the drive when it goes so very long. And straight. Did I mention straight?

Clay and I have so very much fun playing golf. We have fun doing most everything together. I will update the blog when my score gets down low enough to go on tour so you all can get hotel reservations for all the tournaments. No, actually, my goal is to get my handicap down into the single digits. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Not anytime soon, I know, but I think I can. You know, I really never enjoyed golf before, but now that I can play the game better it is fun.

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