Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Already March??

My how time flies when you are just hanging around.

We have been having a wonderful winter. Clay and I skiied in Utah for a week under the most perfect winter conditions we had ever seen. Also during the week we skiied under the most frigid, windy, miserable conditions we had ever seen. The bad weather was actually a treat (since we lived) being just like Antarctica without the long flight. It was raw and miserable one day. High, high winds, snow pellets that stung any exposed skin, and did I mention high winds? It was white out conditions. The wind was whipping around us at 40 miles per hour at least. I had to look at the ground to even see if I was moving or if it was just the wind.
Clay lead the way down the mountain, but I had to stay within about 10 yards to even see him. We did take that one wrong turn and ended up off the groomed trail in nearly waist deep powder. It was pretty fun once we floundered our way out. He was ahead of me when I saw him stall out and fall over just as I stopped still and fell head first into the snow. Through my goggles all I saw was the snow I was packed in. It was too deep to reach the solid ground so I was just struggling. And laughing. It was a helpless feeling. Clay recovered more quickly than I did, but was too far down the hill from me to crawl through the powder to get to me. Finally, I would say hours and hours, but probably 10 minutes, some big strong young guys came along who could handle the deep powder and lifted me out. It was an ordeal even then.
All in all it was an experience that was fun. Had it lasted really hours and hours it might not have been. The next day with clear visability we saw how we made the wrong choice of trails in blizzard. It could have been worse for us, but luckily, like I said, someone came along. For really good snow skiiers it wasn't a bad choice.

Also since I posted last I have been to see Shelley in Germany. We had a wonderful visit. She has a wonderful life over there, except for the not having Beaux at home part of course. She drove us around like a pro. We even drove on the autobaun with cars passing us at speeds near 100 mph. We went to several small villages nearby and even over to Rothenburg, a wonderful place to visit if you are ever in the area. We took lots of pictures but they are amazingly similar to the ones I took last January.
One of the fun things we did was take the horse drawn carriage around the town of Rothenburg. It was a chilly Sunday morning and it was our second day in the city. We decided to see it all under the warm blanket in the carriage while we double checked that we had seen all there was to see. Turns out the blanket was probably the same blanket that covered the horse at night - really hairy! But it was warm and we found we really had seen the entire town already. Shelley and I smiled and waved as people we passed snapped pictures of us. The best part was that I was with my darling daughter!

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