Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Seventeen States!

We made a driving trip from Austin through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennslyvania,New York (Upstate New York), Ohio, oh, geez, I am getting mixed up. Did we ever see Indiana? Well, I know Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri (right?) then Arkansas and back to Texas. Whew. We visited Ginger and Jimmy in East Texas and rode horses, we golfed in Alabama a few days, we visited the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, drove through the hmmmm, something called the Piedmont, then on to Upstate New York and, hmm. I need Clay to describe all of this. Click on the images to see them larger.

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