Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


We Have a Puppy! Meet Bogey 2007

After considerable thought, and near constant internet shopping by Pam (and resulting endless discussion) we decided to purchase a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. After one mistep at an obvious puppy farm, we arranged to purchase the puppy from a reputable kennel near Houston. We saw the picture of this puppy on the website, checked lots of references. We thought he was very cute and they said he was house broken. We met the breeder in Brenham and in person he was so cute and cuddly. He weighed only 6-7 pounds although he was 3 months old.

We decided to name him Bogey at the time not realizing that there were already 2 bogeys living in the negiborhood. Being in a golf course community, what were we thinking? We thought we were so original.Bogey was the runt of the litter, a skinny little guy, but has proven to be a wonderful pet. He is an excellent lap dog, great company, has very few bad habits, loves to play, and now goes on all our vacations with us. For a little guy, he is a great trail hiker and explorer. He loves hotels and thinks everybody loves him. He struts through the lobby of hotels like he owns the place. Because he is a spaniel, we thought he would enjoy the pool in the summer, but that is just not true. He hates it. Just trust us on that. He really, really hates it.

Shelley and Beaux were at the house when Bogey was a puppy and just loved playing with him. Bogey was so little that playing was more of a priority than going outside. Beaux says - "uh oh, he just pooped on the floor!" I scolded Bogey, bad dog and all that, whapped him. Shelley immediately said my voice was not harsh enough to train him and Beaux said it was more of a celebratory tap (kind of a high five) than a corrective whap. Well, so much for my big bad dog training. Luckily, he has not done it since (except that one mysterious pile of poop left upstairs for who knows how long). I don't know who left it, but it wasn't my baby Bogey bear.

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Your baby Bogey is too cute. It is great to see folks living life to it's fullest. The precious present is NOW. Thanks for the smile
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