Adventures of Clay and Pam

This is a journal of our travel, our thoughts, our life. Life is good. Life is very, very good. We have each other. We have healthy, happy kids. We have good people as friends. Here is to love, laughter and family!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Last Fire of the Season

Well, last night was probably the last fire of the season. Our cozy winter evenings are going to come to an end for a while. No more hot cocoa and classical music as we read books in front of the fireplace for a while. Yes, I think we did do that at least once. Well, no, we didn't, but we always intended to. Sometimes we had good books to read, yeah. Sometimes we had the music. Oh nevermind. It never came together exactly as planned, but it sounds so nice...

It was a good winter. With the depressed economy we did not ski but once but with the mild winter we played golf almost daily. At least it seems like that. We enjoy Friday Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan competition followed by a great dinner in the club house, golfing other Fridays with Bill and meeting up with Mary for dinner. We enjoy Friday afternoon golf with friends followed by Happy Hour. It is such a pleasure. Then there are Monday nights where we enjoy House and 24. Tuesdays I play 9 holes, have lunch with the girls, then 9 more holes. Wednesday Clay has Wednesday Golf with the guys. Thursday I have picked up golf with another group of girls and Clay goes out with someone. When Bill is not available on Fridays, Clay plays with another group. Wow. I haven't even gotten to Saturdays and Sundays!

Well, goodbye Winter and welcome Spring. We look forward to the beauty you bring to our lives.


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